Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN4 min readABSORB, RECALL, PRODUCE: CREATING YOUR CNS EXAM STUDY PLANCreate a strategic study plan for the CNS exam focusing on absorption, recall, and application. Learn how to retain information for success!
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN5 min readTOP 3 MISTAKES CNS CANDIDATES MAKE WHILE STUDYING FOR THE CNS EXAM WITH CAITLIN SELFLearn from Caitlin Self about the top 3 mistakes CNS candidates make and how to avoid them for success.
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN3 min readWHAT TO KNOW ABOUT PHYTONUTRIENTS FOR THE CNS EXAM WITH CAITLIN SELFPhytonutrients for the CNS exam with CNS Supervisor Caitlin Self - learn about key compounds like lycopene, beta-carotene, and more.
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN4 min readHOW TO PREPARE FOR THE CNS EXAM: GETTINGS STARTED WHEN YOU'RE OVERWHELMED WITH CAITLIN SELF Learn tips to prepare for the CNS exam when you're busy and overwhelmed from CNS Supervisor and clinical nutritionist Caitlin Self.
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN5 min readINTRO TO CYP450 DRUG METABOLISM WITH CAITLIN SELFStudy CYP450 drug metabolism and learn about crucial enzymes, drug-food interactions, and CNS exam tips.
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN3 min readCNS TEST PREP: DRUG CLASSIFICATION HACK WITH CAITLIN SELFPrep for your CNS test with Caitlin Self's drug classification hack! Study smarter, not harder, with this quick tip for pharmaceuticals.